Saturday, July 12, 2008

Well after 11 years of living without, tomorrow I will once again own a car. My second ever. Isn't that funny?

We were talking about it today, my first was a Toyota Corolla hatchback. It was used, though I forget the year. I was just thrilled to get my own wheels. I was in high school and it lasted me through all my college years, including several trips back and forth to Oxford.

It died the summer before I moved to Chicago and there just wasn't a reason to replace it. It's easy to get around in the city without one and I never could have afforded it back then anyway. I couldn't afford the bus!

For the last several years I've just used hubby's car on the weekends for groceries and errands. I've been hitching a ride with a friend and colleague to work each day, we both go to the same gym in the morning. Problem is she is about to pop (baby number one) which means I'll be back to my former bad addiction -- cabs.

As it turns out, someone from the dog park is moving to Thailand and looking to sell off everything he owns. His girlfriend has an old car she was selling for a song. We've been test driving cars, everything from convertibles to SUVs, for months but haven't pulled the trigger on anything. This offers the perfect interim solution.

The garage is almost clean. We're picking it up tomorrow. I'm more excited than I thought I'd be. I'm driving to work on Monday!

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