Monday, July 14, 2008

So you know we've got a pretty sweet garden going, right? I may have mentioned this at some point? I took a bunch of pictures tonight because I think there is something adorable about a baby cucumber. Baby anything is pretty cute but look at this little guy. 

There are a ton of them growing on the vine - cucs are pretty funny. They tie on to anything in reach, so this cucumber here is actually living with his tomato neighbors next door. Tonight I went to turn on the sprinkler and it wouldn't move. Cucumbers. Woven around the sprinkler. 

I'll include some other pics of the harvest in picture of the day. Toms are looking great already. 

On another note, hubby was recognized this weekend for his 10 years of volunteering at Children's Hospital. Can you believe it has been that long? Could you imagine doing it for more than one night? Pretty amazing that he has been visiting these little kids for as long as he has. Congrats on making a difference!

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