Team S was hit with a stomach bug earlier this week (apparently a different flu than the one you get the shot for??) which was an unexpected, temporarily crippling blow. I guess that is what I get for bragging about how easy things have been :)
I think, make that PRAY, we are out of the woods with little Juliet spared. I'm guessing if we make it through today without her getting sick we should be through the germ cycle. Yikes, it was UGLY.
On a brighter note, a few pictures and an update about the crew...
There is little better in the world than napping with a newborn on your chest as hubby is doing here. It defines yummy...
A picture of the lady clad in pink. She had her first bath today and actually faired pretty well considering she doesn't like to be naked and seems constantly cold. A few tears but overall she proved to be the calm, relaxed little bundle we love.
And Ben relaxing on the couch with his trucks. He has developed into quite the little performer in the last two weeks as he pulls out all of his tricks for visitors coming to meet Juliet.
He is obsessed with his cars and trucks, has "garages" all over the house where he stores them, and drags his dinosaur book (thanks ba ba) out for every new person to read it to him.
He has been AMAZING with Juliet - curious when she cries, alerting everyone when her sock falls off, gently touching her head while she is sleeping. There was one incident of toy-to-face contact, thankfully it was with the foam finger and no damage was done :)
Paula has been coming in the morning to help with Ben, allowing me to run errands. She usually heads home around Ben's nap time and our little crew hangs together in the afternoon. We've got a pretty good rhythm going.
With that, you're pretty much up to speed on the exciting details of our progress. More pics to come soon!
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