Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blah, blah, blah

Ben's little guy vocabulary is expanding, and while recognizeable to only a select few (hubby, Paula and me), we're having a great time practicing our favorites.

Below is a list of his frequently used words and phrases:

uh oh
mickey (mouse) -- ok, he's only said this once, but it was clear as day
and of course the lion/bear growl

As an aside, there is a house a couple blocks away with two lion statues outside. Never fails, within a block of our approach he starts growling in his stroller, in anticipation of passing them. And it's funny every single time...

Where is "mom" in our list above, you might be wondering?? How does "bus" make the list before the ever-attentive lady tirelessly practicing every sound and picture association?

It's a thankless job my friends, a thankless job.

But the best is listening to him talk to himself...blah, blah, blah. Each morning in his crib, while we run, when he is playing. Blah, blah, blah. It's non-stop.

He obviously get the extreme chattiness from his father...

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