Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Ben?

My perfect, can-do-no-wrong, ray of sunshine has now hit the one-week mark of waking up at approximately 5am. Today it was actually 4:30. I'm not sure what is going on with him, but I am going crazy. Seriously, delirious from the lack of sleep.

Nevermind that I haven't worked out since HTC and can't get back into the groove b/c morning was my time to do so (in truth this isn't all Ben's fault but I had really committed to getting back into my routine this week).

And of course he is delightful, inspite of the early hour (it's still dark out for crying out loud). When I get down there he is smiling and laughing. But as the days go on I find I'm too tired to even talk to him. Ugh. What is going on Ben??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's probably a growth spurt. I bet you'll notice his clothes not fitting and him eating more in the next couple of weeks. I hated those times, but they don't last too long and he'll back to his normal routine! -- Megan