Monday, July 27, 2009

Swinging Through Summer

Another exciting new development, the swing! Can you beat these chunky legs? We found a nice little park by the house that is always empty so we can sneak Stella inside (no dogs allowed) and swing for as long as we like. Life is good.


A big thanks to cousin Lori for giving us her exer-saucer - Ben LOVES it. So obvious for other parents but it is the perfect transitional item from just laying on his back on the playmat. He practices standing and has his choice of a half a dozen activities to work on. It is fun to see him learn how each thing works all while kicking his legs. This thing is a total winner and likely to be around for many months to come.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday at our house...Ben and I went swimming for awhile (he kicks his feet now on command in the water) and then he caught a little Cubs game with his dad and Stella before hitting the Wicker Park street festival. I can't get enough of the weekends and am always sad and surprised to see them finish. I get one more visit in a couple hours before we say goodnight and start another week.

We 'fested' both Sat and Sun this weekend and each day I got an arm nap -- the third nap of the day is "free" and can take place anywhere (not in the crib -- I'm a schedule tyrant in case that hasn't come through in a post yet). There is nothing more yummy than an arm nap, when Ben nestles in with head on shoulder for a 20 minute power session. Music doesn't deter him, in fact the louder the better. Motion is appreciated. And he wakes up happier than ever, smiles all around. For me, it is yummy snuggling time that allows for over the top smothering he doesn't notice.

Misc side note: God help me if I ever have a girl. I can't stop buying Ben clothes. Not like shopping baskets full of them but everywhere I go I pick up something. He was growing out of his PJs so he got two new pair this weekend. I swear he is the cutest kid in the universe in them (unbiased opinion) and at the festival we bought him a shirt that matches one his dad has. If I went matchy-matchy on them, they would make me sleep outside for being such a cheeseball but I guess dad and son is OK.

Again, could this be more fun? Not possible.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ben loves...

Right now, Ben loves:
- "surfing" in his crib and talking to himself early in the morning;
- putting everything in his mouth, hands are a favorite and always close by;
- standing, standing, standing;
- Stella and the kitties...

Stay tuned for more "Ben loves" coming soon :)

Friday, July 24, 2009


Do/did you have a high chair you loved? I need to buy one this weekend and would love to hear your thoughts if you have a favorite. Thanks!


We started on rice cereal today with great success...well I should clarify, I'm not sure much actually made it into Ben's belly but he seemed interested in the food and smiled as more came his way. When the puree landed on his tongue he made a confused face but overall it was a positive first experience.

From here it is a crazy-fast progression: after just a few days of rice cereal, we integrate other Stage 1 foods which includes everything from carrots to applesauce. Each new food gets about a week of alone-time to make sure no allergies develop but REAL FOOD!?

I'm so excited. I love the idea of introducing him to new things and the possibility of being able to share food with him down the road. Of course this also means I need to pull the trigger on a highchair, messy as I know it will be redefined, and I'm sure everything will just be more complicated but for now it is just fun, fun, fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Check out these gams...almost completely distracts you from the multiple chins. Healthy baby.

apologies in advance

I wish there was a place you could call and bitch when you're in the middle of a huge pity party for yourself. No one really wants to hear it, nor do you really want to burden your friends with such nonsense, but sometimes it just feels better after you unload it. I think it's FML but I want someone on other end saying "wow, that totally sucks you x, y, z" and then I hang up and get on with things. Today, that is this post. My apologies. I'll follow up with a Ben pic. It will make us all feel better.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

jeans, jeans, jeans

I am at my very happiest when I am in jeans, so perhaps that is why I think Ben looks his most adorable in them too. A couple of cute ones from this weekend.

I'm so far behind on posts and yet Ben's latest activities aren't too much different than before. My sis and Tara came in this weekend. T's first introductions with Ben. It was so fun to hang out - Ben and all his ladies.

Last night we had a babysitter - which is the easiest gig out there. Ben goes down at 6:15pm and doesn't resurface until 6:30am (thank you!). Basically we pay someone to watch TV at our house. However, apparently last night - excited by all the activity of the weekend - Ben woke up at 9:30 and 'convinced' the babysitter to get him out of his crib. As she tells it, he was very excited to see her and they stayed up for an hour hanging out. Of course he was excited?! He probably told her he is allowed to watch TV and eat popcorn too! Hilarious. I'm still thinking through how this affects me long term but it isn't good. I typically wake him to feed him at 9:30 so apparently he is being conditioned to expect this interruption/party and missing it when it doesn't occur on schedule.

And lately we have been (against advice from the experts) making a party of the 9:30 feeding. It is one more chance at the little guy and he wakes up all smiles. How can we resist? Apparently you're supposed to encourage him to 'sleep through' the feeding - which he did used to do until we started coming downstairs with balloons and music. We're already flipping the coin for who gets to wake him up tonight. Maybe we'll start tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

Girls Weekend!

Pictures have been few and far between lately, my apologies. Here is a video of our little Yankee standing with Tara and Carrie who both came in to visit this weekend. Lots of good pictures captured, I hope to load up later today.

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Friday Again!!

Thank goodness it is Friday again. What a week! I'm so excited to snuggle and kiss Ben all weekend, I don't even care if he wakes up at 5:30 tomorrow. Promise to gather lots of pics and video but here are a couple goodies in the meantime. Doesn't he look OLD?!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lounging Around

The wonderful thing about a holiday weekend is how long and luxurious they are, the bad news is the inevitably come to an end. We had such a terrific time just hanging out together - we hit the farmer's market, the dog beach, watched fireworks, took walks and played in the pool. It was awesome.

And then suddenly it was Monday morning and I was SAD!

Here is a picture of the two babies hanging out on the couch watching the Cubs.

Activity update: Ben now puts everything in his mouth; regularly stands (assisted); can switch hands when holding something; loves listening to music; has started making a funny face where his lips disappear; 'surfs' in his crib, where he puffs out his chest and holds his head up high; and loves the cats and dog.

Happy Wednesday. It's almost the weekend again :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Laughing in my Hawaiian shirt

Nobody makes Ben laugh like his dad...a little giggling in his Hawaiian shirt (thanks Mary Ann and Pat!) Happy Friday :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kicking off the 4th weekend

For those following the contest closely, we were a big loser. I can't even speak of it. We lost by a HUGE margin. Next year we'll do more to rally supporters for poor Stella. And only enter one picture so votes actually count. I haven't told her yet. I'm too devastated.

We were planning to hit WI this weekend to visit friends but hubby is still pretty laid up after his knee surgery this week. Instead we're embracing the city holiday which typically means clean roads and relaxed atmosphere.

Enjoying some wine on the porch tonight with big plans for baby pool, farmers market and maybe the zoo this weekend for Ben. We'll see.

So crazy to think this weekend last year we started out with tons of wine and festivities in WI and Turtle Lake, and ended up with a POSITIVE on the pregnancy test. At the time, I was completely FREAKED OUT, even though we had been trying. I still remember sleeping all the way home from MN, wondering why I was so tired...

Now I am so baby-crazy looking at all the pics of little ones of our friends arriving this month. Hubby asks what I would do with another one right now. I say there is plenty of room in our hearts for more...and Ben would love a little friend to play with. He thinks I'm insane. I think I just need to work on him a bit more :)

XO and Happy 4th (hopefully lots of good family pics to follow this weekend)