Sunday, March 8, 2009

39+ weeks = mini watermelon

Not sure how I missed it in the Baby Center alert that came through this week but estimated size of baby is now mini always hear the analogy of "squeezing a watermelon" but who wanted to imagine there was any truth to it?

Due date is just 6 days away and I'm actually still hoping to go a little late, here are a few reasons why:

- big work event is this Tuesday and we've all been working so hard, it'd be nice to see it all the way through to the finish;
- also work-related, to come out on the other side of this event and have a few days to catch up on all the misc details that need to be wrapped up/covered off on while I'm out, would be delightful;
- there are a few tiny details left to cover off on to get baby-ready, and while not critical, it would be nice to knock them out;
- I'm honestly not at my whits end yet. I'm nearing that place, but I can absolutely make it another 14 days, give or take;
- and selfishly, perhaps the biggest reason of all, is that the longer I wait to have the baby, the longer I'll be on maternity leave!

I think I calculated that delivering March 13 means I go back June 5? Something like that. Imagine if I could stretch it just a little we can take walks when it is warm. I can plant my garden before going back. We can have lunch with our friends outside. I just love the summer, and enjoying the patio, and soaking up the sunshine...the more of it I can take advantage of, the better.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'm going to cook a delicious dinner tonight, meatloaf with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts. Yum. Mom got me the spice combination for the fruit and nut mix I love from Naples, so that is in the works too.

A little kitchen adventure after eating out or delivering in much of the last couple weeks. It will be nice.

Hope you had a great weekend. Cheers.

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