Monday, March 30, 2009
He has been crying inconsolably since I posted that last entry, with no clear reason as to why - outside of his mother's cocky assertion that she has this all figured out.
Consuming a record number of resources on soothing.
Be back when the crying has ceased.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We are settling into a bit of a groove and it feels so good.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happiest Baby on the Block
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thank you!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
An Outie!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The month leading up to my due date, I started tivoing birthing shows on TLC. People say you can't really prepare for your labor experience, need to be flexible b/c things change quickly, but I thought if I watched others go through it I would at least have a sense of what to expect.
The thing is, most everyone featured is doing childbirth naturally, and there are 15 people in the room. Coaches, midwives, doulas, family members - helping support the mother.
So when my nurse and doctor gathered at the end of my bed and told me it was time to start pushing, I really didn't get that it was 'game-on.'
I had been put on a pitocin drip, in partnership with my epidural. I had been very fearful of the pitocin b/c I'd heard it was extremely painful. In my case it was necessary to help speed up the frequency of the contractions, and get the little puppy out. It wasn't really that painful, relatively speaking.
The day went by pretty quickly. The nurse was switching me from side to side periodically b/c the baby's heartrate was fluctuating, and going a bit lower than they liked to see. Turning helps shift the baby, and they thought maybe relieve stress on his cord.
Hubby and I both took a nap. I'd heard women say this and never really understood how it was possible. But the epidural makes you so sleepy and numb (seriously, it is the BEST thing I've EVER experienced, college years included), and it takes awhile for the contractions to speed up to a productive place.
Anywho, I had been 2cm at admission; 4cm by the time I had gotten upstairs. Suddenly, mid-nap, about eight people rushed into the room and there was a flurry of activity. The baby's heartrate had dipped significantly.
They propped me up on my hands and knees, strapped an oxygen mask to my face and started rubbing my belly (meanwhile all I could think about is my naked butt flailing in the air - labor is so not pretty).
The doctor checked me in a 9cm. I had progressed from 4cm to 9cm in about 30 minutes.
Once the baby's heartrate regulated, everyone left. It was just hubby, me, my sis, the nurse and the doctor again, and they said it was time to get started. They turned down the epidural so I could better feel the contractions (not that bad), and we got down to business.
It is hard to explain how it all goes down but really it is pretty simple. You feel the contraction coming, you push (really, really hard) for 10 seconds/three times in a row, and then wait for the next one. You need the contractions coming quickly enough that you don't lose progress or momentum in between each set. You are literally pushing the baby down the birth canal.
It didn't seem like I was making any headway with my efforts (because I couldn't feel anything - again, xo epidural) but then the doctor asked hubby if he could see the head coming. The head?! And soon she said, "we have eyebrows"...and then there was more pushing, and breathing and contracting and pushing.
And then there was a baby.
Hubby shouted "Balls!" -- and thus, we had a boy :)
He didn't cry right away, which also contradicts what you see on TV. But no one seemed concerned. The doctor made some comment about a 'triple necklace' or something, his cord was wrapped around his neck three times. Again no one seemed concerned and I was still processing the enormity of the whole experience. She unwrapped him and I remember being struck by how long the cord was.
And then baby Ben was on my chest. Slippery and bloody and even more confused than I was.
There is really no way to explain the emotions other than to state the obvious - it is a miracle.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday's New Activities

Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday morning, 3/9
My water broke at home at 5:30am on Monday. It was much less dramatic than I had imaged it would be, thankfully. I worried, as I'm sure every expecting woman has, that I would just burst onto the scene at a less than opportune time. In reality, I went to the bathroom and came back to bed to notice it seemed like I was still going. I returned to the bathroom, and noted it was a pretty steady stream. I woke up hubby and let him know I was going to call the doctor. She ordered us in to triage.
I hadn't had any contractions yet so we both showered, got our things together, even made coffee, before getting out the door. By the time we got into the car, the contractions had started but were still pretty far apart.
As recommended by every woman I have spoken with over the last 10 months, I requested the epidural right away. It seemed a little silly b/c the contractions didn't hurt yet but the fear of going without won over.
In the end this was the right decision - because I was being monitored for pre-eclampsia, they wanted to run blood work before administering the epidural. This took about a half hour. In the meantime they took us upstairs to Labor and Delivery. By the time the person came to do the injection, there was a line of 10 people behind me so the timing was perfect.
Next up, Labor and Delivery...
Not to mention the contractions had gotten more serious and I was getting a sense of why only 3% of Prentice patients deliver naturally...
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009
We sprung Ben from NICU yesterday afternoon - he cleared his cultures, normalized respiration and was approved for discharge. We hugged Bethany goodbye (his nurse during his stay), confirmed there was no way we could bring her home with us, and drove off as a family for the first time.
Last night was ROUGH. Full details on all worthwhile stories from this week to come soon, but we're taking one day at a time.
Today we made it to the peditrician and I had a lactation consultant come to the house. All of last night's desperation, fatigue and dispair was washed away with one perfect latch from Ben. We are totally in business.
Everyone tells you a million times that this is a crazy ride but you can't really grasp it until you're experiencing it yourself. And I'd guess we haven't even scratched the surface yet.
In the end, the part that makes it all possible is his beautiful little face. And his tiny little eyes. And the chirps he makes when he needs something. I've never felt such an overpowering emotion as the one I do when I look at him. He is amazing.
More to come...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We are so excited to welcome Benjamin Ryan (yesterday, 3/9), weighing in at 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches. He is gorgeous and perfect.
I will send additional details, had hoped to do so today. We hit a baby Ben-sized wrinkle. He logged an elevated heart rate last night and again this morning - and ultimately he was admitted to NICU.
Big picture, I believe he is OK. They've suggested he may possibly have an infection in his lungs and would need antibiotics and lead to a week's stay. I'm hoping test results tomorrow will reveal otherwise and he'll complete 48 hrs of antibiotics and come home Thursday - just one night at the hospital alone. I could cry, but overall he is OK.
Will be back with more details once our little family is checked out and healthy, but he is so beautiful, the pictures don't come close to doing him justice. We appreciate your prayers :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
39+ weeks = mini watermelon
Due date is just 6 days away and I'm actually still hoping to go a little late, here are a few reasons why:
- big work event is this Tuesday and we've all been working so hard, it'd be nice to see it all the way through to the finish;
- also work-related, to come out on the other side of this event and have a few days to catch up on all the misc details that need to be wrapped up/covered off on while I'm out, would be delightful;
- there are a few tiny details left to cover off on to get baby-ready, and while not critical, it would be nice to knock them out;
- I'm honestly not at my whits end yet. I'm nearing that place, but I can absolutely make it another 14 days, give or take;
- and selfishly, perhaps the biggest reason of all, is that the longer I wait to have the baby, the longer I'll be on maternity leave!
I think I calculated that delivering March 13 means I go back June 5? Something like that. Imagine if I could stretch it just a little we can take walks when it is warm. I can plant my garden before going back. We can have lunch with our friends outside. I just love the summer, and enjoying the patio, and soaking up the sunshine...the more of it I can take advantage of, the better.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'm going to cook a delicious dinner tonight, meatloaf with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts. Yum. Mom got me the spice combination for the fruit and nut mix I love from Naples, so that is in the works too.
A little kitchen adventure after eating out or delivering in much of the last couple weeks. It will be nice.
Hope you had a great weekend. Cheers.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Gliding into the weekend...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Do you remember in Shawshank Redemption when the main character gets sent to the hole for a month after he calls the warden "obtuse?" A month in the hole is unheard of, and then the warden makes him stay another month, and then another?
That is what I feel like.
Except that rather than growing a beard, I'm growing a belly.
Thank goodness I am slammed with work. Like conference calls at 9pm last night slammed. Because otherwise I think I'd be looney tunes. Though I'm still kind of going crazy a little...
It is really, really nice outside today so I think I may break all the rules and take Stella for a second walk. I need to break up the monotony a little.
Tomorrow is 39 weeks which is really exciting. We're basically cooked at this point, which is what doctor's wanted. Appointment tomorrow, update to follow. Stay well and do something active for me.