Saturday, February 28, 2009

Desperating seeking religion...

After hitting Ash Wednesday mass at a local Catholic church in our neighborhood this week, it is even more evident that we're sheep lost from our flock.

Our first and favorite church, St. Vincent's, replaced its priest a couple years ago. That created a snowball effect - where suddenly the drive seemed too far, the new leadership too much of a change, and ultimately we just lost our enthusiasm. For the first time in more than six years, we stopped going to mass.

And for awhile things were fine, but now we miss it.

Last Lenten season we committed to making mass a routine again and tried out Old St. Pat's. It served it's purpose but never really felt like home, and as such didn't last beyond Easter Sunday.

With Lent upon us again, and the baby coming, it seems we should reprioritize this again and find a new home for our growing clan on Sundays.

Unfortunately, the beautiful church, conveniently located in our neighborhood isn't going to be the spiritual solution for us.

Why you ask?

Well the triligual mass on Wednesday to start. While I'm excited to reinfuse our lives with a little word of the Lord, it doesn't need to be the English, Spanish and Polish Word.

Three homilies, two of which I didn't understand a lick of, not exactly what I had in mind.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Great Day

WAIT until you see the 3D ultrasound picture. Wow.

Today was a really good day. We did the whole routine at doctor's office today - ultrasound, FHM (fetal heart monitor), exam, blood work, BP. Everything looks great.

Highlights - ultrasound was amazing. They estimate baby is 7.1 lbs, give or take a few miligrams. Growth is on target for size, weight, fluid, placenta, etc. And s/he has hair! Not that I'm the least bit surprised, but totally facinated that it shows up on the ultrasound. And then the tech did a 3D version, so you could see the chubby cheeks, nose and pouty mouth.

Hubby is scanning tonight. Wait until you see it. It is totally amazing. Words can't even describe it.

We've made it to 38 weeks which is great news from development standpoint, we're officially in the safe zone.

I asked if I can go back to prenatal pilates, denied. But she gave me props for trying.

We ended the day with massages, a wonderful treat. And a great way to start the weekend.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bed rest update: day 10

I'm still resting.

And I suck at it. I'm about ready to climb out of my skin.

Thankfully work is really busy so at least the time flies by, but it is really hard to sit at home all day. It's not like I'm napping and updating my Facebook account. I'm doing conference calls and meetings, trying to keep up like I'm at work but with no printers or any of my files. And while working remote is pretty easy, it's just not the same as being in the office.

I don't even know what my point is. I was all fired up last night telling hubby I was going to demand to be freed at my doctor's appointment tomorrow. But in truth, I don't have anywhere to go. I just don't like being stuck here.

At least it will be the weekend soon so I'll have hubby for company.

Realistically this could go on for another three weeks...oy vey.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How is it possible it is so annoying and so persistent?
Every hour of every day?
And I do mean every hour. Of every day.
Remember when it was only periodically at night?
That seems a glorious, yet distant memory.
Burn, baby burn. It feels like I'm going to barf.
Up, (lying) down - I'm considering not even eating anymore.
Rather go hungry than subject myself to more of the same.
Nothing I'm looking foward to more than eliminating HEARTBURN.

How hairy do you think this baby is going to be?

Maybe I'm giving birth to a cat.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I Heart Sweat Pants

I must admit that I secretly hoped I'd find a way to live out my final month of pregnancy in sweat pants so I'm not totally disappointed with this situation.

Never one to reduce myself to this item of clothing in ordinary times, I can't get enough of them in pregnancy.

Especially now as my belly expands and waistbands seem like an inhuman torture device, they are just glorious. And they aren't exactly SWEAT PANTS in the traditional 80s eyesore type of way - they are cute exercise pants from Lululemon. So I haven't totally lost my fashion sense.

But I have no complaints about wearing unrestricted cotton for the next few weeks...

Bed rest - week 2

Weekend with mom and sis was soo fun. We just laugh and laugh which has to be good for healthy baby, right?

The shower was very nice - great friends, yummy eats and fun gifts (we did 'baby's first book in liu of cards' which I think is the best idea ever - we received lots of great favorites). We had planned a fun dinner out Saturday night but it just seemed like too much, so instead we ordered in. Great decision as it was much more relaxing.

Yesterday, after getting them off I returned to my super relaxed mode though accomplished an incredible amount from the couch (thank you notes, outstanding gifts, research).

Doctor's office called this weekend and wants me back in today. That always raises my blood pressure slightly in and of itself. Hopefully just for routine tests. Each day is one more day I'm grateful for at this point, though I'd really like to make it to March at least!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! (super cute pic of mom and sis in Costa Rica)

Today is already a fantastic day and it is only 10:30. Mom and sis are in town for my baby shower - (I received clearance to attend, though must take it easy) - which is going to be so fun. It snowed about 3 inches last night and now there is a pretty blanket of white. Stella is so happy.

We had a fantastic dinner last night at Province - new yummy restaurant downtown. This morning we're just bumming around laughing and catching up. Normally we'd be feverishly shopping but the girls are nice enough to slow down with me. And they are spoiling me. Walking the dog, cooking for me. It's weird and wonderful at the same time :)

It's so fun to have them in town!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I don't have much more information but I'm so happy to be home. The nurse who discharged me told me I'm on bedrest...that doesn't really sound right, does it?

So I need to call my doctor tomorrow for some clarity. Seems like we could negotiate some middle ground here - last week I ran a couple days, did the eliptical machine, went to pilates and now they are saying I can't walk up the stairs more than once a day?

I'm still not convinced I had any definitive symptoms of pre-eclampsia!

I won't be stupid, promise. And babes is poking me with a hand or foot right at the top of the tummy as I type. But I have to try for a grey area before surrending all of my independance. And I've said a thousand prayers of thankfullness that we bought a little extra time before coming home with the little one.

For now, I'm going to take a shower and sleep in my own bed. Hooray!

Update...not really.

I wish I had more to report but sadly don't yet. We've been hanging in the hospital all day (me and babes), getting poked and prodded. Doc stopped by this morning for a little chat but details really don't matter until she reads all the results of tests this evening.

Still waiting for definitive preeclampsia diagnosis. With that we decide next steps.

I'm still hoping for release tonight. Fingers crossed and will update when I know more.

Heartbeat and fetal movement all still very strong. Yay!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dry run?

Good news - we accomplished a lot this weekend. Carpets professionally cleaned. Major trip to Target ensured we are stocked with diapers, bottles, vaseline, and more. I received a very informative tutorial about cloth diapering from a guy at the dog park and believe I'm sold (more later). Picked out diaper bag. Installed pack 'n play upstairs. Hubby took first steps at installing crib (personally) and car seat (professionally). We really knocked out a lot and I'm feeling much better about our state of affairs...

In other news - I'm sleeping at the hospital tonight.


Long story, short(ened) - Regularly scheduled doc appointment Friday revealed high blood pressure. They ordered blood work. Blood work came back a little high so doc called Sat and asked that I come back Monday for rework of all the above. Monday revealed four pound weight gain in 72hrs...and all of those details together add up to sound a little bit like pre-eclampsia.

Pre-eclampsia is a condition common in first time pregnancies, they don't know why it happens but in summary, as the nurse said this morning, "the only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivery." (?!?!?!)

And so, we did an ultrasound to see how baby S is looking. In case we'd be seeing him/her sooner than expected. Baby looks great, totally cute lips and nose visable. I'll try to scan photo soon. Healthy heart, good measurements, about 6lbs they estimated.

Next up, blood work at the hospital. I left doc's office, hubby met me at NW. We went through OB triage, did the whole fetal and bp monitor for 90 minutes. Blood work.

Ultimately everything is just slightly elevated. Nothing to rush into the delivery room over, but also something they want to ensure isn't rapidly escalting. So they checked me in. I'm being monitored for 24 hrs and then ideally released.

Gotta tell you, it freaked the crap out of me. The lack of control in this situation is very unfamiliar to me/us. But this has been really good, the ultimate dry run. Now we know all that we need to bring with us, what to prepare for, the mental leap of it all. I'm looking forward to going home tomorrow with a bundle of experience, rather than a bundle of joy, and coming back a few weeks ready to rock!

In the meantime, prayers much appreciated, focused on release tomorrow!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Getting Baby - Ready

Let the countdown begin - less than a month remains!

This is the big weekend I've been waiting for - lots to accomplish to ge ready for baby. Right now I'm waiting for the carpet cleaners to show up. From there I'll hit Target, Babies R Us and a few online projects. My goal is to be baby-ready by Tuesday, should we have an early arrival.

I have my sights set on March 20, but should baby get anxious and want to come out earlier, at least we'll have the place pretty near ready.

Admittedly March 20 seems really far away as the weeks pass (that is a week after my due date but seems like a safe bet since 1st babies are usually late, and selfishly I'll be on maternity leave longer into summer). Things have gotten a bit more challenging - I was so tired this week and sleeping is no longer the ambian-like experience it was a couple months ago. Lot's of interuptions between bathroom breaks and readjusting. And I'm sore all over - mostly from working out but simple things that used to be a slacker workout are kicking my butt now. In fact, even walking the dog is really tough some days.

I'm not complaining, because I still adore the whole experience, just saying I can better understand why my fellow moms-to-be get antsy towards the end.

Breaks over - gotta get back to work!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Hubby

Happy Birthday to my number one Valentine. Hubby is 34 today and better than ever. Can't wait for him to get home from his business trip tonight so we can celebrate over a big steak dinner and a little delicious wine.

Monday, February 9, 2009

not ready yet...

baby, baby, stay inside...

wow - lots to do in February. everyone is asking if I'm ready for the pregnancy to be over. no way! beyond the fact that I love all the secret nudges, hiccups, poking elbows and toes; and not taking into account the amazing natural high I've been riding for months due to racing hormones; I'm just not ready yet.

no matter how much I do , there seems to still be so much left undone. lots of goals next weekend, which is long due to the holiday and free of any obligations or classes. I must wrap up the remaining items.

the other major factor, which no one but me seems to realize- is that it is so easy to carry the kangaroo inside, the chaos really hits once he's outside. what's the rush??

though I'll admit, I had Bid's little bundle curled up on my chest for an hour this weekend and it was pretty awesome (he's just seven days old). I do want to meet our little guy, just need a bit more time to make his welcome perfect...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


For several months my doctor has asked at every appointment whether I've started feeling contractions. Each time I answer the same way: I don't think so, but I have no idea what they would feel like.

(A quick point of clarity for those unfamilar - it is totally natural to feel contractions throughout pregnancy, 'they' say it is your uterus practicing for labor.)

This weekend we had dinner with some friends of ours who are also expecting. During the conversation she asked me the same question, I gave my answer. She, however, followed up with a helpful indicator - if you put your hand on your belly button and feel the area harden for a short period of time, that is a contraction. I went home and hit the books for more information and found similar descriptions.

And wouldn't you know it, I've been having periodic contractions for months. Only I always thought it was the baby's head. How would I know any differently? First of all, they are painless. And there is so much action going on down there with pointy parts and round parts, I just thought it was another shift in position. But with this new info, I'm positive they are contractions.

Not surprisingly, I'm completely facinated by them.

Why do you think my doctor never gave me this little diddy of a hint?

I'm going to get the full story at my appointment this week but until then, I'm touching the belly even more than before, and admitedly checking to see if there is any regularity in them...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The boys returned safely from Vegas and hubby had a great time. I'm living vicariously through him and these photos.
The high point of the weekend was when he won $10,000 on the long shot bet of Roethlisberger running in the first touchdown.
The lowpoint was 60 seconds later when the referee called it back. Such is life in Vegas.
Photos here feature what I'm sure was a fantastic meal at In & Out Burger, jealous doesn't begin to cover it; and hubby with Scotty outside Bellagio (CORRECTION: Paris) fountain. How cute are they?
Nice to have him back at home again.
Happy hump day :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another fast, over committed weekend, however I did get out of training early yesterday which totally helped make Saturday more productive.

Hubby left for Vegas in the morning for the annual boys trip for SB weekend. Parents leave tomorrow morning for Costa Rica trip (sis joins next week) we were originally scheduled to go on...until Baby S made himself known anyway.

Everyone is off on fun trips, and I'm waddling around town trying to get the house ready, still lots to do.

Few minutes left in the Super Bowl - not overly impressed with the ads this year. Anyone else feel the same?