Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby update - part 1

Cheesy popcorn. Stella's smile. Hugs.

This week we're a banana, which isn't as exciting as an heirloom tomato in my personal opinion (nor necessarily bigger based on my farming experience) but I digress. AND, even better, this weekend we officially moved from internal baby kicks that only I could feel and speculate were actually kicks, to movements hubby could touch too.

It probably goes without saying, it is pretty awesome. And weird.

It seems to happen much more often in one particular position - a completely lazy near, lay down pose I've perfected on the couch, laptop in place, feet on table. It started on Friday and I checked out the scene myself to double check. Sure enough: thump, thump, thump.

Hubby came over and he kept going, bless his little heart, so hubby got in on the action.

And of course it is a little weird too b/c there is a BABY growing inside of my belly?!?! No amount of high school science can really prepare you for this.

Tomorrow we go for the 20 week ultrasound and get to see the little critter on the big screen. I'm pretty excited. We are not going to find out the sex. I've had shirts made saying as much, just in case.

Much more to come tomorrow or Wed regarding the big day. In-laws in town tomorrow night so might not get a post in but will try.

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