Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Without further delay, the news teased in an earlier post (not the LA celebs, this is better I promise!)...

It is official. In March we will be welcoming a little S into the world, into our home, into our lives. 


Crazy, right? It still kind of is to me. We had been trying for awhile,  in kind of a relaxed fashion. And, surprisingly enough, it isn't really that easy! But we kept at it :) and then suddenly, like we weren't expecting it at all, it happened! 

We found out at the end of the 4th of July weekend - ironically Independence Day meant something all together different for us - and have been soaking it all in ever since. 

We had a couple blips in the beginning so we were extra careful about telling people until the first trimester was behind us. Yesterday marked 14 weeks so we're officially official! I saw the tiny little being via an ultrasound at six weeks - boy that really drove home the whole miracle of life concept. Totally amazing. 

And on Friday we heard a big, strong, healthy heartbeat (trying to upload, stay tuned)! Doc says its a boy b/c the heartbeat is 140 (over 160 means a girl). He says he's right 50% of the time :) We aren't going to find out so your guess is as good mine. 

The journey begins and topics here will shift from tomatoes and cucumbers to baby socks and car seats (OMG that is scary to even type), fall is coming upon us and I needed something new to keep me busy until the garden goes in again anyway. 

Do you think I'll even have time to plant a garden next spring??

Lots more to come!!

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