Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oy, another crusher of a week at work. When will we relax and enjoy summer?! I was supposed to take off Thurs-Friday this week (and all of next) but clients had other plans for me. No big deal, we have a huge launch on Monday and it was naive to think I'd be able to get away. Almost wrapped up, not without a few major challenges. Lots of near vomiting this week and I had my first work panic dream in years last night. I won't even go into it but definitely need a break soon.

Either way, we're almost to the weekend which I think should be work-free (famous last words). We've been going and going most of the summer. This weekend we simply relax. We literally have no plans and I'm thrilled. The house is still semi-trashed from the pig roast and I have a million errands to run.

Maybe we'll go to the dog beach.

Anyway, couple new party pics on the side. Sorry for the delay. Back with more fun news later.

1 comment:

Bayjb said...

Wow your first work panic dream in years? you're lucky! Bummer to hear you can't take some time off but hopefully soon it'll calm down. Famous last words