I'm really looking forward to how easy things are going to be this time around.
Now a confident mother, who isn't concerned she could potentially kill her newborn with one sideways glance, I won't need to keep vigil over the baby monitor minute after minute, night after night.
Having successfully kicked my old nemisis 'worry' out the door with no signs him returning, I won't feel compelled to work through every potentially morbid scenario and develop a plan of attack just in case.
Surviving a colicky baby and coming out on the other side with more love in my heart for my little man than I knew existed on earth in total, I'm now armed with every nursury song, swaddle technique and bob and sway known to womenkind, so I'm eons ahead of myself last time around.
And having mastered breastfeeding to boot...
How could it not be easier this time (she says with the blindly optimistic attitude she is known for)?
So with that, I've set my sights even higher.
I'm going to take advantage of having Paula here, and go to the gym the minute I'm cleared to do so. I'm going to sign up for classes to take with Ben: music and Bubbles and maybe even dance. I'm going to go out with hubby and get trashed, more than just one night every six months.
It feels liberating, and exciting, to welcome this little babe to our family...who still has no name, no room, no clothes, and potentially no ride to the hospital.
We've got it nailed this time, I'm sure of it :)
Thoughts brought to you by the soon-to-be-skinny, well-rested new mother of two...