Thursday, May 20, 2010

22 weeks and counting

The irony of the blog is while it provides a great forum to share details of the every day nitty gritty in our lives, it is also at times is the very last place to share the bigger news.

In this case, it's that we'll be adding another little face to the picture come October. Ben is going to be a big brother!

We are very excited and feel extremely blessed to be expanding the brood (though mama has definitely questioned her logic in going dry another summer once or twice!).

It's true what the say about the second pregnancy, it flies by. Likely because there is very little time to stare at one's belly reflecting what life will bring, given you're chasing what has already been brought :)

I'm 18 weeks along - almost half way - and feeling pretty good, though my guess is it's a girl...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Something new is happening.

When you say "Ben where is your ball?" He will walk over to his ball, and bring it back to you.

"Where is your belly button?" He lifts his shirt to point.

"Give Stella a hug," (you can't even imagine the cute factor).

I swear the simplest things you take for granted but when they start to understand, it's just amazing.

He's started to repeat some sounds, 'yum, yum, yum.' And he shakes his head 'no' when he doesn't want any more food or milk. It's kind of incredible we've gotten along all this time without being able to communicate frankly.

I don't even think I miss my little baby anymore. It just gets so much more fun every day, I can't even begin to imagine what's ahead.

Thanks for bringing so many smiles little buddy.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Getaway

The crew is nestled back into the city after a wonderful weekend getaway in WI.

We all really needed the trip, much more than I even thought. It was perfect.

Sunny weather, basically uninhabited property, wooded trails for miles. We spent the entire time outside.

Ben fearlessly walked straight into the lake - very much to my surprise (I brought no swimsuit, it never warmed up past 65 and the water was freezing but he didn't seem to notice). He was literally in knee deep, fully clothed, before I could even get his pants off, which is why he is wearing this weird outfit.

We hit a fish fry and made a half a dozen new friends. I shopped WI grocery, which really has no comparison in terms of cheese selection and kitchy baked goods.

We saw every farm animal we've practiced at home, and moo'd all the way to and fro.

And dear Stella, she is still smiling in her sleep. There is nothing that makes Stella happier than being out of the city.

Cheers to the weekend getaway. To recharging. To the fresh air. Life is good.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I heart Wisconsin

We've been here less than an hour I'm already wondering to myself (for the millionth time) why we don't live in a remote cabin far away from the world like this.

I guess maybe it wouldn't seem so glorious and refreshing if you woke up here everyday? Hard to believe that is is so GREEN and ALIVE.

The cabin we've rented is amazing. I'm trying to load a picture but service isn't so speedy (fine by me and for the record, it doesn't work at all as far as I'm concerned). It's on a small lake and Stella has already run herself silly. She will for sure wake up the entire family with her squeaking at the door tomorrow morning.

Ben struggled to stay awake the whole car ride and pretty much conked out as soon as we arrived. By the way his eyes lit up at the sight of the lake, I know he'll be excited to walk the property in the morning with Stella.

As for tonight, it's me and hubby, a fire and maybe some grilling. There isn't even a TV.

I'm so in my happy place.

Monday, May 10, 2010

misc thoughts on a Monday

it's really hard to tackle the big stuff, when people all around you are consumed with the small stuff...

articokes are one of those foods that just taste better when someone else prepares it for you, no matter how irresistable they look at the grocery store.

pooping in the bathtub isn't funny. especially the second time in as many days.

Wisconsin is a place where Stella can run off leash, hubby and Ben can eat cheese until they are sick, and my blackberry will get no service, and we will be there soon.

Cheers to the end of 'one of those days...'

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Cheers to all of you wonderful mother's out there. I hope you're being spoiled rotten today.

If every day were Mother's Day...I might just be thinner and more well rested :) But alas, I will relish in how wonderful today has already been. Sleeping in, and having my happy, clean-diapered baby delivered to me in bed is about as perfect as life gets.

Hubby took the crew out for a big walk, and then made a delicious breakfast before the little guy went back down for his nap. I was able to get out for a run, and enjoy the beautiful day.

Pretty much the best day ever. And I still have brunch and a massage in my future :)

Hubby, thanks for the effort. I really appreciate it.

And for a little added entertainment, this is what my dear boy was wearing after going for a walk. A pair of stripped shorts (with the tags still on), over top of his dino PJ pants, shoes and an animal print jacket. I wonder how many other mis-matched little people were out with their daddy's this morning.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Cold day in the city today, mostly spent inside playing around. Couple pics of the funny little boy who spent an hour playing with this box, and another slapping his belly. He is getting tooth #6 so he is a drooling machine.